Problem : Find the value of $(a^{b^c})mod(10^9+7)$ where $1\le n\le 10^5$ and $1\le a,b,c \le 10^9$
In order to solve this problem, we need to understand the Fermat's little theorem:
If a is not divisible by p we can express as $$(a^{(p-1)}\equiv 1) mod(p)=1....(A)$$
Since $10^9+7 = prime = p$, I can rewrite $(a^{b^c})mod(10^9+7)$ into $(a^{b^c})mod(p).....(B)$
Then, reform equation $(B)$ with equation $(A)$:
Then, reform equation $(B)$ with equation $(A)$:
Substitute equation $(A)$ with 1:
$ =1^{d}* (a^{r})mod(p) = (a^{r})mod(p)$where $b^c = d*(p-1)+r$, $r$ is remainder of $b^c$
Therefore, $(a^{b^c})mod(p) = (a^{(b^c)mod(p-1)})mod(p)$ where $p$ is a prime, $p = 10^9+7$
C++ Code Implementation:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int lld; lld prime = 1e9+7; lld my_pow(lld a, lld b, lld m) { lld result = 1; lld intermediate = a; if(b==1) return a; while(b) { if(b&1) { result*=intermediate; result%=m; } intermediate*=intermediate; intermediate%=m; b>>=1; } return result; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { lld a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; lld tmp = my_pow(b, c, prime-1); cout<<my_pow(a, tmp, prime)<<endl; } return 0; }
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